Terms & Conditions

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Thank you for visiting Help for Assessment and choosing us to satisfy your academic goals. We would recommend that you read and agree to our terms and conditions prior to accessing our assessment services. In the case that you do not agree to our terms and conditions mentioned, do not place any order with us.


  1. "Website" means "helpforassessment.com"
  2. The words, You, Yours, or Customer refers to you or any other person
  3. The word "writer" refers to the person in charge of your assignment
  4. The words; we, our or company, refers to helpforassessment.com
  5. Order is used to refer to the electronic request paid for a given service
  6. Quality Assurance is a section of our company that deals with quality output

Our Services

  1. We are responsible for providing a skilled / qualified writer to create genuine work
  2. Our team will provide with exceptional writing, editing, research, proofreading of all orders
  3. Once you have made payment we are responsible for delivering as per expected of the assignment
  4. We guarantee 24/7 assistance of clients through our client service representatives
  5. Once order has been completed we will address it through the given email address, no extra costs incurred
  6. You can file any grievances to us within 5 days if your expectations are not met
  7. The agreement is termed effective once payment is received and the order is completed and delivered
  8. Unauthorized use of delivered products or content on the website may subject the client to criminal or civil penalties
  9. You will not share any document we deliver to you for payment or any other activity

Data Protection and Security

We will not disclose any personal information of our clients unless demanded by the legal agency.


For the assignments, we deliver, they should only be used for reference or research. They must be used as teaching aids to enable you learn on the techniques of writing paper with the correct format and citations.

Amendments in Term of Service

Company reserves right to make amendments to the given terms and conditions.

Always be on the look for any modifications made above regularly.

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