How Much Does It Cost to Write an Essay for Someone?

June 28, 2024

how much do you charge to write an essay

Have you ever wondered how much you have to pay to get an essay done? Or maybe you’re currently in the buying mode and in need of urgent essay-writing help but you first want to know how much it’s going to cost you?

It costs $10 to $30 per page to have a comprehensive essay written for you. The range in cost depends on a number of factors, including the writing agency, the level of education, the length of the essay, and the deadline.

Whether you’re on a tight budget or you just need to get an essay written fast, you will find an online writing service that can help you with professional assignment help

Key Takeaways

  • Essays with shorter deadlines cost more than those that have longer periods prior to submission.
  • Our essay writing service charges $12 per page, making Help for Assessment the most affordable platform to get your essay done.
  • Level of education and paper formatting also affect how much academic writing services charge to write an essay. A single-spaced essay costs twice what you’d pay for a double-spaced essay on the same topic. 

To be abundantly clear, our charges per page for an essay remain constant regardless of the complexity of the topic.

How Much Does It Cost to Write an Essay?

Help for Assessment is one of the most affordable and reliable essay helpers on the web. We’ve worked with hundreds of students, written more than a thousand essays, and had a 98% success rate.

Our goal as a custom writing service is simple. We are actively involved in helping individuals like you to complete challenging essay assignments, particularly those that have shorter deadlines.

For just $12.99 per page, you can get an essay written, proofread for conciseness and clarity, edited, and delivered on time.

We calculate our pricing based on several factors, and they’re as follow: 

Type of Essay

We treat all essays the same in terms of pricing because they belong to the same assignment category.

That means if you’re paying $12.99 per page for an argumentative essay, the cost will be the same for an expository, persuasive, MBA, marketing plan, and all other types of essays.

The Urgency of the Assignment

How fast you need the assignment delivered to you also determines how much you’ll pay to have the essay written.

If you’re already running out of time for your essay and need it written in 24 hours, expect to pay around $21.99 per page.

On the other hand, if you place an order with a 7-day deadline, you’ll pay $14.99 per page, which is a difference of $7. The longer the deadline the less you pay for the essay.

Length of the Essay

Our standard rate for writing an essay is $12.99 per page. The subtotal that you pay builds on this pricing structure.

In other words, the total amount you’ll pay to get the essay completed is the cost per page multiplied by the number of pages you want written. 

Education Level

If you think about it, learning gets more complex and involving as you advance in your level of education. The research process becomes intense and writing requires more time put relevant details together.

Given the variation in the depth and breadth of research, not to mention the intensity of the writing process, an essay written for High School level is relatively cheaper than an essay written for Masters. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I Get an Essay Written for Free?

We know about the free essay typing tools that promise instant results. We have put them to the test and we can tell you without fear or contradiction that they’re useless.

These tools scrape content from sources such as Wikipedia without considering your assignment’s requirements.

They don’t get the context right, and they don’t help with citation. If anything, we shy away from these free tools and we don’t recommend them to anyone.

The only best way to get an essay written if you don’t have the motivation to write for free is to write the essay yourself. The other best option is to use an essay writing service such as Help for Assessment to help you get the work done fast.

2. Where Can I See Samples of Your Work?

You can see samples of our work here.

Note that these samples are exclusive items belonging to “Help for Assessment”, and you should treat them as such. In other words, the intent of these samples is to show you the overall quality of our work.

3. How Much Does a 10 Page Essay Cost?

How much you pay for a 10-page essay will depend on the factors we’ve discussed above, including the level of education, the writing agency you choose, and your deadline. 

If you choose to work with Help for Assessment, you’ll pay $12.99 per page. On average, you’ll pay $129.9 for a 10-page essay.

4. What is the Cheapest Essay Writing Service?

Help for Assessment is the most affordable essay-writing service online. Whether you have an urgent assignment to submit in the next 24 hours or your work has a flexible deadline, our writers will help you get the work done at affordable price.

5. How Can I Pay Help for Assessment to Write My Essay? 

You can pay Help for Assessment via the payment methods indicated on our order page. And if you have an issue with the payment processing, you can get in touch with our team via live chat for help.

Final Thoughts

Having been in the essay-writing industry for well over a decade now, one pattern that we’ve observed is the significant difference in the overall cost of academic writing services.

Some services are cheaper. Some are expensive. Others fall in between. Given that every writing business has its independent policy, it’s normal to see different rates per page for an essay on the web.

At Help for Assessment, we strive to offer the best writing services to our clients without imposing ambiguously high charges on the assignment.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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