IB CAS: The Complete Guide to Creativity, Activity, and Service

May 31, 2024

ib cas guide

IB CAS lies at the core of the diploma program. Its aim is to enhance and expand a student’s personal and interpersonal learning.

The IBO structures CAS around three unique areas:

  • Creativity: Creativity involves the exploration and expansion of ideas that culminate in an original or interpretive outcome, such as a product or performance.
  • Activity: It refers to physical exertion that contributes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Service: It focuses on the collaborative engagement with the community and response to genuine needs.

Why is IB CAS Important?

CAS provides a platform for students to exhibit the qualities of the IB learner profile in practical and tangible ways, while also promoting their personal growth and development as unique individuals.

Through Creativity, Activity, and Service, students are able to understand their responsibility towards their community and the environment, by engaging in a range of individual and group experiences that allow them to identify their interests, exhibit commitment and involvement, and address both local and global issues.

CAS works in harmony with a rigorous academic curriculum, promoting a well-rounded education for students.

What are the Requirements for IB CAS?

The following are the requirements for Creativity, Activity, and Service:

1. You Must Complete Your CAS Hours to Earn a Diploma

You must complete the 150 CAS hours to earn the IB Diploma.

While not formally assessed, you must reflect on your CAS experiences and provide evidence in your portfolio of achieving the seven learning outcomes.

2. Begin Working on Your CAS Early

The CAS program officially starts at the beginning of the IB Diploma and should continue regularly for at least 18 months, with a reasonable balance between creativity, activity, and service.          

You are required to have three formal documented interviews with your CAS coordinator/adviser, with the first one at the start of the program, the second at the end of the first year, and the third at the end of the CAS program.

3. You Must Focus on Reflection

CAS puts a significant emphasis on reflection, which is central to developing a deep and rich experience.

Reflection allows you to explore your ideas, skills, strengths, limitations, and areas for further development, and consider how you may use prior learning in new contexts.

Also, you must create and maintain a CAS portfolio to demonstrate your active participation in the program. The portfolio should include evidence of your CAS experiences and reflections.

CAS Stages Explained

The CAS stages provide a helpful framework for students participating in Creativity, Activity, and Service programs. Adapted from Cathryn Berger Kaye's "Five Stages of Service Learning," these stages can assist students in planning and executing their CAS projects.

The CAS stages are applicable to all three strands of CAS and can guide students through the entire process of planning, executing, and reflecting on their experiences.

The stages are as follows:

1. Investigation

In this stage, students should take the time to reflect on their personal interests, skills, and talents to determine which opportunities would be the most fulfilling and impactful for them.

They may also want to research potential projects and talk to CAS coordinators or previous participants for ideas.

2. Preparation

During the preparation stage, students should create a detailed plan of action that outlines their goals, resources, timelines, and any necessary skills or training they need to acquire.

They should also consider any potential obstacles or challenges they may face and develop contingency plans.

3. Action

In the action stage, students will begin implementing their plans and carrying out their chosen CAS activities outside the classroom.

This could involve anything from organizing a community service project to practicing a creative skill to participating in a physical activity. Students may need to adjust their plans as they go and adapt to changing circumstances.

4. Reflection

Reflection is a critical component of the CAS process as it allows students to evaluate their experiences, assess their progress, and identify areas for improvement. They should reflect on what they learned, how they grew, and how their CAS activities affected their communities and themselves.

5. Demonstration

In the final stage, students should show what they have accomplished during their CAS experience.

This could involve creating a portfolio, presenting their work to their peers or community, or documenting their experiences in a journal or blog.

By demonstrating their learning and growth, students can inspire others and show the value of CAS programs.

These stages provide a structured and sequential process that can help you navigate your CAS journey with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Counts as Creativity, Activity, and Service in IB?

A CAS experience can be anything as long as it engages with one, two, or all of the strands.

Remember that your experience must:

  • Give you the chance to develop the characteristics of an IB learner profile
  • Linked to an opportunity for growth, personal interest, skill, or talent
  • Fall within Creativity, Activity, and/or Service 

Really, it’s up to you to decide what fits your interest and needs. You just have to keep in mind that what counts as CAS is anything that falls within the specified strands.

2. Where Should I Keep My IB CAS Portfolio?

You should keep your IB Creativity, Activity, and Service portfolio at Managebac.com. You can check the website’s help section for guidance if you find the platform difficult to use.

3. When is the Right Time to Start Recording CAS?

Consider recording your Creativity, Activity, and Service experiences the June before Year 1 of the IB diploma program.

Also, keep in mind that IB gives you up to April or May of the program’s second year to meet all the CAS requirements.

4. Where Can I Get Some Ideas to Complete My Hours? 

We have a post on CAS project ideas. Be sure to check it out to understand what counts towards you Creativity, Activity, and Service experiences.

5. Does IB Allow Me to Complete CAS with Someone Else?

You can practice and refine your collaboration skills by working with other IB students. However, you must record your own CAS experiences in Managebac.com. Also, you need to ensure that your explanation is unique to you only. 

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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